Change the world, or die trying


I'm sure the word blog has some kind of origin...

... but I can't for the life of me figure it out. Considering the fact that the internet as we know it didn't evolve until I was in my last years of high school, I'm OK with that. I do like the idea of typing my random thoughts into cyberspace in the hopes that someone will actually waste minutes of their "wild and precious life" (more on that later) reading my musings. I think I probably have some tidbits of wisdom to share... epiphanies that may or may not be old news to you. Bear with me.


At 28.7.07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog. short for web log. "b" carries over.

i realized just now as i discovered your blog page that we are miles apart. you might say, "duh, phoenix is far." I'm miles away from your friendship and that saddens me. i'm not only miles away from you - i'm miles away from me. i guess this is some kind of epiphany...



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