Change the world, or die trying



well, it's been a while since i posted over here... and my how things have changed.

tomorrow i will celebrate the day of my birth 29 years ago. the day after tomorrow i will celebrate the day of my daughter's birth. crazy!

so the other blog is pretty light-hearted, a place for pictures and such. i like to think of this blog as my "adult" blog... where i can voice my opinion about things controversial... i don't have much on my mind right now excect getting this tiny human out of me... but here are some thoughts on the upcoming election:

i'm pretty sure obama is going to be our next president. and he's charismatic and good looking and probably just as moderate as all the others including george w... and so i think we'll be fine. the thing that worries me is healthcare - i've been thinking about this because our coverage is pretty crappy - we'll end up paying maybe $6000 out of pocket over time... and then on top of that my job only covers you for the days you have accumulated unless you have complications or a c-section... it's just tough. i know things always work out and god has a way of taking care of me... but i'm scared.

so back to how that is making me think of the election. the dems are all saying "universal healthcare" and I'm not sure i even know what that really means - but i'm assuming it means we pay higher taxes and somehow get a break at the doctor's office... which means that really, us tax-payers are still footing the bill for all of the non-tax-payers out there... right?

ugh... places like the UK may be able to function well, but they don't have the illegal immigration problem like we do...

did you know that in the first three months of 2006, 70% of the babies born at Parkland Hospital were born to undocumented parents.... and that's a pretty substantial number considering Parkland is the 2nd busiest hospital for births in the US (i think second to atlanta? not sure... but i know they deliver ALOT of babies there)

somebody is paying for those babies - if I have to pay $6000 (and that's what? 30%) imagine what the bill must be for all those babies... and then i get to teach them when they grow up a little... and help pay my own salary with property taxes.

anyway... i don't know where i'm really going with this... except that i'll just keep working and paying my taxes like a good girl... and hope that i don't have to declare bankruptcy to pay for my child. :-)


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